My thoughts and feelings about New Years resolutions…

This is happening. 2019. Full steam ahead. I feel just the same as I did on December 31st as I do now on January 3rd. Still the same blue hair, the same dry skin and the same hatred toward my cold house in the winter. But somehow I am feeling hopeful. Hopeful for the journey of 2019. Things are bound to be great! I never specifically set a resolution, I am always focused on bettering myself and using my mental energy to move forward because that is the direction I want to go. Sometimes I feel that resolutions can trip up our mindset and then we feel so trapped by them that we stand still. As a result, the year flies by and we aren’t living.

I have always been realistic and slightly optimistic for myself and my future. I enjoy setting things out in front of me to focus on mentally, like a child waiting for summer. I purposely plan things in advance for my year so I can say to myself when things get hard or lazy, “If I can just make it till _____________, I’ll be fine”. This mental push works for me. I am privileged to be able to plan things and grateful that my life is in order to do the things I plan.

Does this mean I am not happy in the present? No. I have so much to be grateful for every minute and hour. Right now with my hot cup of coffee to my right, my iPhone with a Hello Kitty case in my lap and my amazing blue hair already curled and ready for the day means I am happy and content. I am not a “hot-mess” rushing around looking for my phone or having to prep my hair for work. What a wonderful morning. That is the simplicity of my optimism. The small things that make each moment happy and filled with gratitude.

As for my “resolutions”? In 2019 I strive to travel back to Germany, finish my second Keto Lift-off book and post more often here on this blog! My goal is to read more, feel more confident in my Flamenco dance journey and maintain my weight for going on the third year. All in prospective though… I know I will still have dry skin and amazing blue hair.

Happy New Year to you all and thanks for hanging out with me.

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