INSULIN RESISTANCE. How to I correct it? How long does it take? What do I have to do?

Last week I talked at depth about how you find out if you are insulin resistance. hope you found the blog post helpful! I also hope you found yourself wanting to gain control of your hunger. That is a major part of correcting insulin resistance because when you get off your hunger roller coaster, you can focus on healing your body.

The number one most successful way to correct insulin resistance is KETO. What is keto? Keto is short for many words; ketogenic, ketones, ketosis and ketogenesis. All those words shorten to keto and can be used in pop culture interchangeably. Let’s focus on understanding that when I refer to “keto”, I am talking about simply running your body on ketones (produced by the liver) in order to fuel your body as energy. This is a natural option for your body and most comfortable to use rather than the “popular” fuel source glucose (which is made from sugar). To stop using glucose as your fuel source and stop triggering high insulin levels, you must not eat sugar or foods that turn into glucose in the body.

What? No sugar?

There is no known sugar deficiency. I can’t find a study where someone has died due to lack of sugar. In fact, long before sugar was easily accessed, humans survive many months on meat and vegetables alone. The occasional fruit was coveted and not commonly found depending on your location and climate. How did we survive? Easy….Ketones.

I am not going to go into great depth about how to get your body into ketosis, I wrote a beginners guide for that ( , but rather focus on how keto corrects insulin resistance. Keto is like a reset for your pancreas. When you eliminate the glucose in your blood, the insulin will have nothing else to respond to, thus resting your pancreas.

Rest your pancreas!

The hormone insulin will be lowered and your cells will become more sensitive to it in about 3-5 days after depleting your body of glucose. You will start to produce ketones in those first few days but, your body might not be up to speed on using them yet. Most ketones are eliminated from the body and will take time to be used efficiently. I suspect that you have been running your body on glucose for some time now and we must be patient while our body heals and adjusts. After the initial reset, your body will become extremely happy using the ketones as fuel, insulin will come down, hunger will subside and you may start tapping into your fat reserve.

Key to health…

Correcting insulin resistance is key to your health. Having high insulin can cause several metabolic problems. Reducing your intake of carbohydrates and eliminating sugar from your diet is the only way to take control of your insulin. Using food as medicine and getting through your sugar addiction put your body in a natural state of ketosis. You will find yourself with more energy, less pain and inflammation, no mood swings and a more positive mindset overall.

How does that sound? Amazing right? Well it is.

Amazing video about sugar addiction here! Are you an addict? Learn all about sugar addiction in the video below.