Back in the day – we were taught that you must lower your caloric intake and increase your output by “burning” calories in order to lose weight. This absolutely works. However, in our daily life does not always allow for this kind of equation.

I look at this two ways. First, you can add up all the calories you eat then try to work out enough to burn through that amount. I don’t know about you guys, but I work full time and don’t alway have the time to expend all the calories I intake every day. Second option, is to lower your caloric intake enough so that your daily normal tasks can be higher in order to not gain weight that day. This is a huge deficit if you are the average American who drives the kids to daycare (sitting), works in an office (sitting), drives in “rush-hour”(sitting), helps with homework (sitting), orders food while relaxing on couch watching This Is Us. In order for that to actually work, you would only eat one carrot stick and maybe a spoon of peanut butter. Neither way of life is sustainable.

Congratulations if you don’t work, can afford a gym membership and have a personal chef.


Here is the new way of losing weight. You can eat massive amounts of food and still watch the latest Hulu drama on the couch.


Here is the thing about keto and calories. Healthy keto is about eating fats. That is a major key in losing weight. Fats will naturally keep you feeling full and satisfied. Sugar and carbohydrate make you HUNGRY.

When you are full, you will automatically eat fewer calories because you will not crave so much food in order to feel satisfied. It just happens. You don’t have to keep track, do math or calculate your burn. Trust me. Put down the donuts and eat a handful of pepperoni and track how long it takes until you feel hungry and grumpy. I guarantee it is longer than the high sugar food you normally eat.

By just reducing sugar\carbs and increasing your healthy fats, you will lose weight and not feel deprived. I use to feel hungry all the time. It is a fact that you will actually slow your metabolism down when you try to starve yourself. Sending your body into a HOLDING cycle. Your body does not know you are trying to “diet”. Your body starts holding on to the excess weight incase there is a famine. Eating lower calories backfires on your body and mindset. Lowering calories is not sustainable. Healthy fats are the answer to keeping you on track.


Be sure to incorporate lots of green vegetables and a small amount of protein to round out this diet. Check out more info in my ebook, Keto Liftoff.